Throttle potentiometer, series resistance
Short description
Art-Nr:45-025WP 45-025
General characteristics
Function:Stepless speed/direction input
Mechanical characteristics
End stop strength:max. 30 Ncm
Actuating angle:±20°
Torque center position:20 ±3 Ncm
Life expectancy, cycles:3 Mio.
Electrical characteristics
Output voltage:2.5% to 97.5% of Vs
Power dissipation:0.2 W at 40°C
Recommended wiper current:< 10µA
Insulation resistance:1000 MΩ
Max. wiper current:1 mA
Center position wiper:50%±3% of Vs
Sensor technology:Potentiometer CP
Dielectric strength:500 V DC
Supply voltage:30V DC max.
Output voltage tolerance:±2.5% of Vs
Series resistors:Yes
Resistance tolerance:±20%
Resistance value:5 kΩ
Operating temperature:-25°C - +75°C
Axis:Stainless steel
Axis:D-Achse mit Ø8mm
Mounting bolts:2 PT - KA40 x 12
El. interface:Flachsteckhülsen 2.8 x 0.8 mm, DIN 46245